SelectRx Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Sign-Up Questions
It can often take several weeks for us to receive medication transfers from your doctors which is needed to fill your box. During the initial processing phase, we’ll work closely with your doctors, current pharmacy, and/or insurance provider to transfer all your active prescriptions into the SelectRx system. If we are unsuccessful in receiving your prescriptions from your providers or they need your confirmation, we will notify you. Until you are contacted, please continue to fill your prescriptions as you currently are.
It can take a couple of months for us to get all your prescriptions in our compliance packaging. During this time you may receive some of your medications in vials with a partial days supply and then the following month they would be included in compliance packaging like the rest of your prescriptions. There are some medications that may always be in vials due to their nature such as certain controlled substances. At your request we may be able to help add certain of these specialty medications in compliance packaging as well. You may also request to change back to vials for all your medications at any time.
If you need any medications before you receive your first shipment of medications, please contact the pharmacy immediately at 1-855-224-1879.
Almost all tablet and capsule medications can be included in your monthly box, but some exceptions will need to be delivered in bottles or original packaging. Please provide detailed information regarding your OTCs, vitamins, and supplements during the enrollment period.
We encourage you to let your doctor(s) and/or pharmacy know that SelectRx is your preferred pharmacy. Click here for instructions on how to contact your doctor(s) and pharmacy.