SelectRx Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

SelectRx Account Questions
Once you sign up with SelectRx, we’ll get to work on transferring your prescriptions over to SelectRx and start processing your first box of medications. We’ll contact you prior to your first delivery to discuss outstanding information, to establish a delivery date, and to provide tracking information. The whole process takes about 4-6 weeks, but if you need any medications before you receive your first box, our Customer Care Team can work with you to get a 30 day supply from your current pharmacy so we can switch them over after that.
We take privacy seriously. You can see our complete Privacy Policy here.
If you need to pause the shipment of your medications for any reason or need to resume shipment of your medications, please contact our customer care team at 1-855-224-1879. You can leave your account paused for as long as you need and you can resume anytime.
To update your doctor(s) information, please contact our customer care team at 1-855-224-1879. It is important to keep this information up-to-date so we can manage your medications properly.
If you have any as-needed medications, we will wait until you contact us that you’re ready to receive them before we ship them to you. You can contact our team at 1-855-224-1879 and we’ll be sure to include your as-needed medication(s) in your next monthly shipment. If you need your medication before then, please be sure to tell the team member you’re working with.
Our team of pharmacists combine a thorough manual process and innovative imaging to ensure the accuracy of every pack. If you ever have concerns about your medications, please contact us immediately.
Please contact us immediately at 1-855-224-1879 if you are concerned about your medication appearance.
Your safety is our top priority and we are following all state, federal and CDC guidelines to protect our patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If your insurance says you have to use a pharmacy other than SelectRx, contact our Customer Care Team at 1-855-224-1879 and we can help you determine the right plan of action to get your pharmacy benefit coverage.